

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Child Abuse and Women Security Needs Attention.

December 18, 2016

Shri Nerendra Modi,
Prime Minister of India,
South Block,
New Delhi

Dear Prime Minister,
This is my first letter to you and I want to congratulate you on the various initiatives taken by your government, latest one being the demonetization drive and a push for digital economy. It is a brilliant idea and we all will work to make it a success. Though it won’t stop corruption and black money hoarders completely but it will act as a deterrent and an awareness program for all the citizens. Another initiative taken up by you is the cleanliness drive, a brilliant awareness program and a successful one. Financial inclusion was a commendable initiative by the incumbent govt. which will acquaint the common people with the banking system. Foreign policy of this government is the best after almost three decades and will make India a strong nation.
Today I would like to bring your attention towards the Women and Child abuse in the only country where the form of God which we worship is a female. I was very disappointed and hopeless few years back but with you came hope, optimism and a ray of light in complete darkness. I along with millions of Indians find connect with you in this blissfully connected world. When the national capital and rest of the country was grappled with rapes and scandals you came to power. We all voted and supported an honest man who believes and thinks like an honest hardworking Indian. The battle against corruption, abuse and insecurity can’t be won overnight but as you say there are lots of opportunities to take a lead over these menaces by being optimistic and consistent efforts. I am not one of those who will come to you with a problem only. I have come to you with a problem and a viable solution which can be considered in this battle for good. Child labor is still a reality and there is no change in the current scenario. Child abduction, kidnapping is a reality which should be considered a matter of grave concern. Abducted children are pushed to begging and sometimes pushed to prostitution as well. Child rights needs to be protected and is the responsibility of the state. As you already said that we have sufficient laws but they are not implemented properly. There is a need to have strict laws and a severe punishment if not implemented is imperative.
Begging is the main reason of child abduction and kidnappings. It is high time we ban begging in this country. I know it is very complicated but we can make it simple by banning it for children at least. Child rights should be protected because they don’t have a voice in your parliament. Teachers, parents should be accountable for the child development and their rights of education, safety, security and overall development. Second step we should take is that if the parents are not capable enough to provide all the facilities to their own child then the govt. should take up that responsibility. I am not coming up with an innovative solution but a tried and tested solution followed by most of the developed nations. Foster homes are a reality in developed nations and helped them secure future of the country. It is in your hands to foster our children’s well being and education. 
Foster homes are not built by Developed nations but Foster Homes make Developed nations. Foster homes will be a help for poor people of this country. Foster Homes will secure the future of our country. If Indian can afford various pay commissions, OROP, MGNREGA, NFSA etc we can definitely afford to have a service which can help educate 100% of the future generation. Literacy is the most important weapon to combat various other social problems. Educating our future generation will make them law abiding citizens and help us in reducing the crime rate, corruption, domestic violence, crime against women, child abuse, child labor, child abduction, illiteracy, unskilled human resource, unemployment and many more.
Thank you for taking your precious time and reading my letter. I hope I am successful in making my point and bringing it to your notice. I am sure if this reaches you, you will ponder over it and definitely come up with a solution which may be lot better that what I suggested.

Your Ardent Supporter,
Neeraj Bhatyal


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